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Björn Stierand"/>

IT guy • Triathlete • Avid traveller (not right now, though) • Net addict • Wannabe minimalist • IndieWeb aficionado









Vertical tabs and why Firefox is the new hotness (again)

With vertical tabs you can make the tab list as wide as you want, and thus can fit the favicon plus portions (if not all) of the document title. In addition, if implemented with some thought, you could have new tabs nest under their parent tab.

Enter Tree Style Tab for Firefox. It’s an add-on that does all of the things mentioned above, plus it lets you choose whether you want the list on the right or left, amongst 100+ other options (seriously).

Looks great, I'll give it a try.

Just make sure you have the 'Title Bar' enabled in your 'Customize' options. Otherwise disabling the integrated tab bar via CSS you disable the window decorations (close button etc.) as well, which turns out to be quite annoying.


Google Digital Wellbeing Experiments

A collection of ideas and tools that help people find a better balance with technology. We hope these experiments inspire developers and designers to consider digital wellbeing in everything they design and make.

Some nice new ideas in the Digital Wellbeing realm. Currently trying out the Unlock Clock (which shows the number of phone unlocks as a wallpaper) and Post Box, which only delivers notifications at certain intervals.

Morph looks really promising as well, but it acts as a launcher and can't handle Android 10's gesture navigation which I got really used to. So, back to my Pixel Launcher then.


Link - old industrial lamps is your site for original factory lamps, industrial furniture and objects. We are an online shop that focuses on old industrial lamps. For many years, we have been going round Europe, collecting used factory lamps and restoring them, lovingly and professionally. Each individual lamp is a unique item, with signs of wear caused by the passage of time.

Lovely looking industrial lamps for ones home. As we're looking for a new lamp for our living room, maybe this is an option. Recommended by my optician. :)


The Secret To The Gruesome Sounds In Mortal Kombat Is Exploding Vegetables

Who knew that MK is powered by squished bell peppers and bananas.


Die 15 häufigsten Argumente von Klimawandelleugnern - Bullshitbingo

Der menschengemachte Klimawandel ist real und auch wir in Deutschland müssen dringend etwas dagegen tun. Diese Tatsache wollen so einige aber nicht wahrhaben und bedienen sich vieler Argumente, die wir alle schon unzählige Male gehört haben. Mit diesem Bullshitbingo könnt ihr die immer gleichen und falschen Aussagen abarbeiten, bis ihr gewonnen habt. Und mit diesem Artikel die Erwiderungen zu den jeweiligen Argumenten gleich mitliefern.

Wirklich schade, dass man sowas überhaupt braucht. Aber ist leider so...



Divjoy - The React Codebase Generator

Our mission is to be the best way to get started with your next web app. We believe devs spend way too much time wrestling with technical choices and rebuilding the same basic layouts. Divjoy lets you skip all that so you can spend more time focused on what makes your web app unique.

Looks like a nice launchpad for my React adventures.


Rollersharing: diese Anbieter wollen in die Städte

Na mal schauen wer davon wirklich in den jeweiligen Städten aufschlägt.

Nürnberg mit 4 potentiellen Anbietern sieht ja schonmal nicht schlecht aus.


Eigenland - Entschieden erfolgreicher

Weltweit erfolgreiche und messbare Lösung zur Beschleunigung Ihrer Entwicklungs- und Transformationsprozesse. Eigenland® schenkt Ihnen Zeit, erzeugt neue Erkenntnisse und aktiviert Menschen.

Praktisches Werkzeug, das wir jetzt mal im Rahmen eines Workshops getestet haben. Das kommt sicherlich wieder zum Einsatz.


FROM:latest, An opinionated Dockerfile linter

Useful for linting your own Dockerfiles. The underlying replicatedhq/dockerfilelint doesn't seem to be that up-to-date though, e.g. the HEALTHCHECK cmd is missing. PR is in the pipeline.



Adactio: Journal - Split

But the split that worries the most is this: The people who make the web vs. the people who are excluded from making the web.

Excellent article by Jeremy Keith!

Link - wildcard DNS for any IP Address

Stop editing your etc/hosts file with custom hostname and IP address mappings. allows you to do that by mapping any IP Address to a hostname.

This is really handy.



All your E-mail, from all your accounts, in one place. Cypht is not your father's webmail. Unless you are one of my daughters, in which case it is your father's webmail.

Quite an interesting concept.


ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost

ngrok allows you to expose a web server running on your local machine to the internet. Just tell ngrok what port your web server is listening on.

This looks quite helpful for web development. Found in the @bitsundso picks.


CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape

You are viewing 650 cards with a total of 1,497,100 stars, market cap of $6.43T and funding of $42.4B.

Impressive, somehow. Let's see how the cloud native space consolidates this year.


COI - Chat Over IMAP

COI - Chat Over IMAP - is a universal chat protocol that is Free, Open, Easy, Safe and does not require developers to build or maintain a server.

COI uses an email address and any IMAP server as its infrastructure. This means it can already connect 3.8 billion users - anyone with an email address.

Developers can now concentrate on building clients for any device, in any language (Java, Swift, JavaScript, Dart, Kotlin, etc.), and let COI handle the communication.

Yeah, right. IMAP?



Start, Ziel und Fahrzeit angeben, und schon sieht man an welchen Tagen Sparpreise verfügbar sind. Praktisch!


Signal v. Noise: Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS

Also not interested in retreating into the idea that you need a whole team of narrow specialists to make anything work. That “full-stack” is somehow a point of derision rather than self-sufficiency. That designers are so overburdened with conceptual demands on their creativity that they shouldn’t be bordered or encouraged to learn how to express those in the native materials of the web. Nope. No thanks!

Designing for the modern web in a way that pleases users with great, fast designs needn’t be this maze of impenetrable complexity. We’re making it that! It’s possible not to.

Sounds like @dhh would be a good match for


PlantUML: Is it possible to only use straight lines in a class diagram?

At least there is an option to use straight lines. Curved lines in an UML diagram look really strange to me. The implementation is far from perfect, but gets the job done for now.


Arc42 by Example

Real software architectures, documented with the arc42 template. Helps you jumpstart your own documentation.

When I'm finished with my current Arc42 book, this seems to be a good follow-up read.


Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. Notion is all you need — in one tool.

Looks interesting, but I guess I have no need for it in my current workflow. Maybe this is something for the future.
